Helen Gornall, partner in De Brauw's competition practice, has been appointed as a Non-Governmental Adviser (NGA) for The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM).
One aspect of the NGAs' role is to help improve international cooperation regarding competition and they play an important role within the International Competition Network (ICN) - a global network of competition authorities, which collectively deal with practical enforcement and competition issues.
Helen Gornall follows in the footsteps of Jolling de Pree, head of De Brauw's international competition practice. De Pree: "As an NGA, you can follow and influence key developments in our field of expertise, and establish connections with key decision-makers and peers all over the globe. Helen's appointment acknowledges her expertise and experience as both in-house and outside counsel, and I am proud to pass the baton on to her. I am confident that she will make an invaluable contribution in promoting the international convergence in the area of competition policy."
Alongside Helen, the other four NGAs appointed (to advise the ACM for a period of three years as from 1 June), include:
- Annemieke van der Beek, partner at law firm, Kennedy Van der Laan;
- Cees Dekker, partner at law firm, Nysingh;
- Anna Gerbrandy, professor at Utrecht University; and
- Nicole Rosenboom, senior consultant at economic consultancy, Oxera.