Pensions & Pension Funds

+ 8 other experts

As the sector anticipates tomorrow

... our expertise enables our clients to act wisely, today.

We advise employers, pension funds, general pension funds (APFs), premium pension institutions (PPIs), insurance companies, and asset managers on the wide gambit of complex pension issues, including the effects of and steps to be taken in view of the Act future pensions (Wet toekomst pensioenen).

We also handle all disputes that may ensue in connection with pensions, such as investment disputes, disputes between pension funds and their service providers, disputes about duties of care, disputes in connection with the Industry Wide Pension Fund Obligatory Participation Act 2000 (Wet verplichte deelneming in een bedrijfstakpensioenfonds 2000), enforcement actions from DNB or the AFM, and disputes regarding changes in retirement benefits. Should matters necessitate, we also represent clients in the Netherlands Supreme Court.

The team's pragmatism is underlined by clients, with one referencing its 'evidence- and experience-based input on deal tactics and strategies to achieve our tailored needs'. Another emphasises the practice's foresight, asserting that it has 'a good understanding of the risks involved'.

Chambers Europe, 2021
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Expertise across the whole pensions sector

We advise on:

• The Future of Pensions Act (Wet toekomst pensioenen);
• pension agreements including dealings with works councils;
• financing arrangements and administration agreements;
• mandatory participation in industry wide pension funds;
• governance of pension providers;
• information requirements and duties of care;
• licencing processes (PPIs and general pension funds);
• funding requirements;
• outsourcing including administration agreements and investment management (including sustainability and ESG) such as the agreements with asset managers, fiduciary managers, custodians and central clearing parties;
• cross border collective value transfers;
• lateral and unilateral changes in pension agreements; and
• all legal aspects of pensions in mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures.


Eva Schram


Esther Huijzer

Senior Associate