
Event 4 July 2024

Masterclass - Corporate law update

At this Master Class, Constantijn Voogt, Peter Nolten & Angela van Breda will focus on corporate law developments, including new or proposed legislation, and recent case law. They will also look back at the 2024 AGM season.
Event 9 July 2024

Masterclass - Trends in private M&A and private equity

In this Masterclass, Pete Lawley & Lennard Keijzer will discuss recent trends in private equity and private M&A transactions. The primary aim of the session is to give participants insights into their options, and why (not to) take certain decisions, and to help them anticipate the other side's actions. Lennard and Pete will approach the Masterclass from a sell-side perspective, but also discuss buy-side considerations in that context.
Event 12 September 2024

Masterclass - Anti-bribery and anti-corruption (ABAC) enforcement

During this Masterclass Roan Lamp and Youmi Jun will discuss recent developments in ABAC enforcement and policy in key jurisdictions, including the Netherlands. The US remains an important jurisdiction in this regard. Enforcement is however also increasing in other important jurisdictions, including in emerging markets. Roan and Youmi will also discuss the important topic of ABAC compliance expectations.
Event 17 September 2024

Masterclass - Disputes in M&A

Matthias Kuscher and Yi Duan will be speaking at this event.
Event 19 September 2024

Masterclass - Trends in US and global criminal & regulatory enforcement

Marnix Somsen and Youmi Jun will be speaking at this event.
Event 24 September 2024

Masterclass - Beyond the AI Act: the broader picture of AI regulation

Helen Gornall, Reinier Kleipool, Axel Arnbak, Renate Keijser, Johan Valk and Andreas Häuselmann will be speaking at this event.
Event 26 September 2024

Masterclass - IP & competition law: where two forces meet

Bart de Rijke, Anne Marie Verschuur and Roos van der Poel will be speaking at this event.
Event 1 October 2024

Masterclass - The Future of the Pensions Act: an update

Eva Schram and Mirjam Kerkhof will be speaking at this event.
Event 8 October 2024

Masterclass - Energy litigation

Martje Verhoeven-de Vries Lentsch and Arjan Kleinhout will be speaking at this event.
Event 10 October 2024

Masterclass - Remuneration

Sven Dumoulin, Tijmen Klein Bronsvoort and Rick van 't Wout will be speaking at this event.
Event 15 October 2024

Masterclass - Sustainability: green claims and greenwashing

Helen Gornall, Davine Roessingh, Anne Marie Verschuur and Johan Valk will be speaking at this event.
Event 22 October 2024

Masterclass - Financial institutions M&A: hot topics

Pete Lawley and Mariska Enzerink will be speaking at this event.