9 June 2016

Appjection winner of first De Brauw Legal Innovation Challenge

Appjection is the winner of the first edition of the De Brauw Legal Innovation Challenge (De BLIC).
Appjection‘s innovators: “Our idea is for our users to be able to appeal against fines and decisions simply by using their smartphone via our app and WhatsApp. Users will be able to submit all relevant information via their smartphones. This information will then be automatically formatted and sent to the relevant authorities”. Appjection’s revenue model is based on a no-cure, no-pay basis, which means that if the appeal is not successful or the amount is not lowered, users will not have to pay at all. “If we do succeed, users will pay a percentage of the money saved”, according to founders Doortje van Bokkem, Matthijs Lagas and Max Heck. The idea of Appjection was born on a summer day in 2015. The initiators explain: "We were all very enthusiastic about the idea, but getting things done is another story, partly because the three of us weren’t even on the same continent. By participating, De BLIC prodded us to abandon the idea stage and to actually develop Appjection. In addition, participating in De BLIC gave us the opportunity to further evaluate, discuss and develop our idea". The finals were held at De Brauw Amsterdam office. The jury consisted of Geert Potjewijd (managing partner De Brauw), Douwe Groenevelt (ASML) and Michael van den Berg (IBM). They faced the hard task of choosing the winner from among three great teams. Appjection will receive funding up to EUR 25,000 to start their business. They will also be provided legal advice from De Brauw's lawyers.​ Click here for more information about De BLIC.