22 July 2016

Best Friends Group leads European Legal Adviser HY League Table 2016

Looking back at the first six months of 2016, the Best Friends Group heads up the European Legal Adviser League Table, acting in 49 deals worth an aggregate USD 33.3 billion.
BF MA Snapshot For more information on the largest deals the group worked on, and on cross-border deal making , please read the Best Friends' European M&A Snapshot. The Best Friends Group is a European network of law firms, of which the members are all renowned firms and market leaders in their jurisdictions: Slaughter and May (UK), Bredin Prat (France), BonelliErede (Italy), De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek (the Netherlands), Hengeler Mueller (Germany) and Uría Menéndez (Spain). To read more more about the Best Friends Group, click here.