9 May 2018
Bregje Korthals Altes appointed as Secretary of the Netherlands Arbitration Institute
Bregje Korthals Altes has been appointed as Secretary of the Executive Board of the Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI) as of 1 May 2018. In her new capacity, she will work towards realising the NAI's ambitions for the upcoming term, alongside her responsibilities as partner of law firm De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek.
Bregje Korthals Altes boasts extensive experience in the field of international arbitration. At De Brauw, she specialises in international commercial arbitration with a particular emphasis on sectors including energy and natural resources, healthcare, telecommunications and technology.
Looking forward to the responsibilities she will fulfil in her new capacity, she comments: "The NAI is considered the prime body for private dispute resolution in the Netherlands. I consider being appointed to its Executive Board a privilege, as it is an institution which combines expertise with societal involvement at the highest level. I look forward to working together with the other board members to further develop the high esteem this institution has built up over the years.''
Other members of the Board of the NAI as of 1 May 2018 are:
- Professor G.J. Meijer (Attorney at NautaDutilh in Amsterdam/Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam), President
- Professor Carla Klaassen (Radboud University Nijmegen), Vice-President
- Erik Reuver RA RV (Director Travel Guarantee Fund/Calamity Fund), Treasurer
- Eric Dorrestijn (General Counsel Commercial, KPN), portfolio holder ICT/operations