27 November 2018

Brexit: Deal or No Deal?

The withdrawal deal struck between the EU and the UK governments. Looking ahead at the future relationship as outlined in the accompanying political declaration.

The Brexit deal agreed by the two sides comes after complex and often fraught negotiations. Although this is an important step forwards, it is by no means certain whether the deal will be approved by the UK parliament, and then by the European Parliament and the Council. Our newsletter outlines for a number of practice areas what an eventual Brexit might look like. We do this based on three different scenarios: (i) no deal is reached at all, (ii) a deal is reached on the withdrawal, but not on the future relationship and (iii) there is a deal on both the withdrawal and the future relationship.

If you have any questions on how Brexit might impact your business, please contact our Brexit team or your usual De Brauw contact.

Download the update by clicking on the image below.