21 March 2022

De Brauw ranked in Chambers Europe Guide 2022

Last week, the Chambers Europe Guide 2022 was launched and our firm is once again a Top Ranked Firm for 2022. After the success of last month's Global Guide, we are very happy with the results of this Europe Guide. Below a few highlights

This year we have 20 practice areas ranked, of which 17 are ranked in Band 1 or Band 2 (11 and 6 respectively).

Specifically, our firm was ranked in the following fields: Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Competition/European Law, Corporate/M&A, Dispute Resolution, Employment, Energy & Natural Resources, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Investment Funds, Public Law, Restructuring/Insolvency, Tax, TMT: Data Protection and White-Collar Crime & Corporate Investigations.

A special congratulations to the following practice groups / Expertises for moving up in Band:

  • Capital Markets: Debt for moving from Band 3 to Band 2
  • Public Law: Planning and Environment for moving from Band 2 to Band 1
  • TMT: Data Protection for entering the rankings in Band 3

We would like to congratulate all ranked lawyers that were featured again this year and held on to their respective Band.

A special congratulations goes out to the following individuals for moving up in Band:

  • Bart de Rijke for moving from "Up and Coming" to Band 4 in Competition/European Law
  • Helen Gornall for moving from Band 4 to Band 3 in Competition/European Law
  • Barbara Kloppert for moving from Band 3 to Band 2 in Employment
  • Arjan Kleinhout for moving up in two rankings; from Band 4 to Band 3 in Energy & Natural Resources: Regulatory and also from Band 3 to Band 2 in Public Law: Planning and Environment
  • Ferdinand Hengst for moving from Band 4 to Band 3 in Restructuring/Insolvency
  • Wiebe Dijkstra for moving from Band 3 to Band 2 in Tax
  • Jeroen van der Schrieck who was promoted to Band 4 in Dispute Resolution with previously not being ranked.
  • Michael Schouten for moving to Band 5 in Corporate/M&A from his previous ranking as "Up and Coming"
  • Gaby Smeenk for her ranking as "Up and Coming" in Capital Markets from previously not being ranked.
  • Gertjan Kuipers for his new Band 1 ranking in Intellectual Property: Patent, moving up from Band 2 last year.

Lastly, a big thanks to our clients for your continued support and trust in our lawyers and firm as a whole. We will continue to drive for impactful results in each matter we take on.