11 November 2013

De Brauw contributes to Global Arbitration Review's EMEA Arbitration Review 2014

Bommel van der Bend and Kirstin Nijburg have contributed the Dutch chapter to Global Arbitration Review's EMEA Arbitration Review 2014.
The review is one of a series of special reports that deliver business-focused intelligence and analysis, designed to help general counsel, arbitrators and private practitioners to avoid the pitfalls and seize the opportunities of international arbitration. Like its sister reports The Arbitration Review of the Americas and The Asia-Pacific Arbitration Review, The European, Middle Eastern and African Arbitration Review provides an unparalleled annual update – written by the experts – on key developments. Click here to view the report. Source: The European, Middle Eastern and African Arbitration Review 2014 - a Global Arbitration Review special report – www.GlobalArbitrationReview.com.