8 March 2018
Dutch government announces corporate tax avoidance plans, responds to ECJ decision
On 23 February 2018, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance published an agenda of measures to curtail the role of the Netherlands in international tax planning structures aimed at base erosion and to protect the Dutch taxable base (the International Tax Policy Letter). The announced plans will make these structures, which have been used for many decades in international tax planning, less attractive. With these plans, the Dutch government wants to change the international perception that the Netherlands is facilitating these structures, and confirm its role as a serious partner in combatting international tax avoidance.
Although some of the plans had been announced previously, the International Tax Policy Letter firmly confirms that the Dutch government will no longer support, neither through legislation nor administrative practice, the use of the Netherlands in international structures aimed at base erosion. It represents what seems to be the culmination of a shift in the Netherlands' international tax policy, as a result of international pressure from the OECD, the EU, trading partners and domestic public opinion.
The Dutch State Secretary of Finance also announced emergency legislation, to be applied with retroactive effect, with respect to the fiscal unity regime (the Fiscal Unity Letter) to limit the impact on the government budget of a decision rendered by the European Court of Justice on 22 February 2018.
Key aspects of the International Tax Policy Letter and the Fiscal Unity Letter are:
The International Tax Policy Letter
The International Tax Policy Letter describes the following main concrete measures and actions:
- The introduction of a conditional withholding tax on intra-group dividends (from 2020, when dividend withholding tax will generally be abolished) and intra-group interest and royalty payments (from 2021) by Dutch companies to low-tax jurisdictions and in abusive situations. Low tax jurisdictions includes those with a low statutory tax rate, as well as non-cooperative jurisdictions. Abusive situations are referred to as situations in which payments are indirectly made to low tax jurisdictions by entering into artificial arrangements (presumably back-to-back type situations). The applicable withholding tax rates is not yet known.
- Imposing stricter substance requirements (New Substance Requirements) for issuing advance tax rulings and advance pricing agreements from 2019, by requiring applicants to incur at least EUR 100,000 in annual payroll expenses and to have office space available in the Netherlands for at least 24 months.
- Expanding the scope of automatic international exchange of information to include Dutch resident holding companies (presently not subject to international automatic exchange of information) and Dutch resident financial service companies that do not meet the New Substance requirements.
- A new revision of Dutch tax treaty policy, last revised in 2011; presumably, the revised tax treaty policy will reflect the positions taken by the Netherlands in respect of the Multilateral Instrument.
- A study of possible amendments to the application of the arm's length principle, in particular with respect to imputed deductions when calculating taxable profits. When a taxpayer earns profits in excess of what it should earn when correctly applying the arm's length principle, the excess is treated as non-taxable informal capital (or a disguised tax exempt dividend) for Dutch tax purposes. This adjustment occurs irrespective of whether the excess is taxed elsewhere, and therefore often results in double non-taxation. Presumably, the study will reconsider the appropriateness of such imputed deductions from the taxable profit.
- A study will begin in 2020 to look at possibilities to deny the participation exemption for holding companies that do not have (sufficient) substance in the Netherlands.
- Further guidance on the implementation of the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directives (ATAD I & II); 1. The introduction of a safe harbour for companies qualifying as controlled foreign companies (CFCs): no pick-up of CFC income will be required if a CFC meets the New Substance Requirements. 2. Accelerated implementation of the anti-hybrid provisions of ATAD II: the anti-reverse hybrid rules, mainly relevant with respect to CV/BV structures, will be implemented as of 1 January 2020. The Netherlands will not make use of the optional extended implementation deadline of 1 January 2022. 3. Confirmation that the safe harbour for deductible interest in the earning stripping limitation rule will be set at EUR 1,000,000 rather than the EUR 3,000,000 permitted under ATAD I, and that the Netherlands will not implement a group exception permitted under ATAD I.