1 November 2018

Jan de Bie Leuveling Tjeenk appointed member of State Commission for International Private Law

Jan de Bie Leuveling Tjeenk has been appointed as member of the State Commission for International Private Law (Staatscommissie voor het Internationaal Privaatrecht) starting 1st of September 2018.
The state commission for international private law (Dutch: Staatscommissie tot voorbereiding van de te nemen maatregelen ter bevordering van de codificatie van het internationaal privaatrecht: SCIP) is a Dutch state commission that advises the Dutch government on issues regarding international private law. The commission was first installed in 1897. The body advises for example about jurisdiction, adoption, and foreign marriages and divorces. Advices can be at request of the government or initiated by the commission itself. View the announcement here: Staatscourant