1 December 2016

Maarten van der Weijden joins De Brauw's tax practice

Maarten van der Weijden joins the tax practice of De Brauw as partner as of 1 December 2016. Maarten is among the leading Dutch corporate tax lawyers in the Netherlands. Peers and clients alike, both at the national and international levels, praise him for his strategic and practical advisory skills.
Paul Sleurink, tax partner at De Brauw: "We are excited with Maarten's decision to join us. We have known each other for a long time in various capacities, and his knowledge and understanding of corporate tax law is unrivalled. I am convinced that he will be an invaluable addition to our transaction-based corporate tax practice. The current developments in the field of international corporate tax result in an ever-increasing demand by our clients for genuine, insightful advice. Maarten is uniquely qualified to provide this with our existing team." Geert Potjewijd, managing partner at De Brauw, continues: "As part of our overall strategy to function as the trusted advisor to many of our clients, providing robust advice on matters of corporate tax - both strategic and in corporate transactions - is becoming increasingly important. Maarten's arrival means a substantial expansion of our capacity to do so. We are convinced Maarten will be a valuable asset to our firm, and more importantly, to our clients."