De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek is very pleased to announce the appointment of Martje Verhoeven-de Vries Lentsch as a Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration for the Netherlands by the ICC World Council for a three-year term, commencing on 1 July 2021. We also congratulate Thomas Stouten of Houthoff, who is also appointed.
Martje is the second member of the ICC Court that originates from De Brauw. Following her appointment, Martje states: "The ICC International Court of Arbitration is the benchmark for international dispute resolution and I am very honoured with this appointment. The Court plays a vital role in the arbitration process and I look forward to contribute to its important work, working alongside leading experts and practitioners in the field of Arbitration, including Thomas."
The ICC International Court of Arbitration was established in 1923, and is the world’s leading arbitral institution. The Court is composed of 195 Members representing 121 countries, who deal with arbitrator appointments, the scrutiny and approval of arbitral awards and the fixing of tribunal fees. The Court is situated in Paris and has offices in New York, Hong Kong, São Paulo and Abu Dhabi.
Martje has been with de Brauw for over 12 years, was appointed as partner at the firm in 2019 and has extensive experience in the field of commercial arbitration and complex cross-border litigation. Martje is also an Executive Board Member (Treasurer) of the Dutch Arbitration Association.