16 January 2015

Omar Salah appointed to Sukuk Standardization Working Group of the IIFM

Omar Salah has been appointed as a member of the Sukuk Standardization Working Group of the International Islamic Financial Market (IIFM). Omar will participate in the Working Group as a representative of De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek.
De Brauw is the first Dutch law firm to become a member of the Sukuk Standardization Working Group and is one of the few law firms worldwide that is a member. The Working Group consists of a diverse group of experts, including a number of regulators, renowned Shari‘ah scholars, Islamic financial institutions, (legal) advisors and other representatives from the industry. IIFM is the international Islamic financial services industry’s leading standard setting organization. Its primary focus lies in the standardization of Islamic financial products, documentation and related processes at the global level. In 2014, IIFM announced its plans to form a Sukuk Standardization Working Group with experts in the field to develop guidelines and standard documentation for sukuk. Omar was asked to become an expert member of the Working Group due to his noted expertise in sukuk.