16 September 2013
Sharon Oded on corporate compliance: new approaches to regulatory enforcement
Sharon Oded, senior associate at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek and assistant professor of Law and Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam, has published a book on corporate compliance.
This book considers how a regulatory enforcement policy should be designed to efficiently induce proactive corporate compliance. It first explores two major schools of thought regarding law enforcement, both the deterrence and cooperative approaches, and shows that neither of these represents an optimal regulatory enforcement paradigm from a social welfare perspective. It provides a critical analysis of recent developments in US Federal corporate liability regimes, and proposes a generic framework that better tailors sanction schemes and monitoring systems to regulatee performance. The proposed framework efficiently induces corporate proactive compliance, while maintaining an optimal level of deterrence.
For more information about this publication, please click here.
The publication is available at Edward Elgar Publishing.