6 April 2018

The one-year anniversary of Article 50

The challenges remaining following the one-year anniversary of the UK’s triggering of Article 50.

While there are doubtless many twists and turns ahead, the fog is slowly clearing on the terms of withdrawal and the transition period, and although the final form of any future partnership remains uncertain, elements of the legal relationship between the UK and the EU are beginning to take shape.

De Brauw’s Brexit update examines the legal developments in the Brexit process over the last twelve months, and looks ahead to where the UK-EU relationship may stand one year from now, and beyond. From financial services to dispute resolution, IP to competition law – we provide an update on how far the process has come, where it might be heading, and what the final destination might look like; from hard Brexit to soft Brexit, and everywhere in between.

Download the update by clicking on the image below.