19 June 2015

Advent International, Bain Capital and Clessidra to acquire ICBPI

De Brauw has advised Advent International, Bain Capital and Clessidra (the “Consortium”) on a definitive agreement to acquire Istituto Centrale delle Banche Popolari Italiane S.p.A. (ICBPI) for a consideration of EUR 2.15 billion.

ICBPI is a leading player in the Italian financial services market with strong market positions in payment services, interbank clearing and securities services. Through this transaction, the Consortium will also indirectly acquire an interest in Equens, which is a settlement institution ('afwikkelonderneming'). This is a type of financial institution which has only recently become subject to extensive financial supervision as provided for in the Dutch Financial Markets Supervision Act. De Brauw has advised the three private equity sponsors in the application by certain of their acquisition vehicles for a declaration of no objection from the Dutch Central Bank.

Lead partners
Francine Schlingmann, Daniëlle Pos