De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek advised ABN AMRO on its listing on Euronext Amsterdam. It is the largest equity offering of a financial institution in Europe since May 2007.
Trading started on Friday, 20 November 2015. The price per offered depository receipt was EUR 17.75, corresponding to an ABN AMRO equity value of approximately EUR 16.7 billion. ABN AMRO’s return to the stock market comes seven years after the bank was nationalised at the height of the financial crisis.
De Brauw offered board room advice, amongst other things, and coordinated the drafting of the 730-page prospectus as well as advised on corporate governance and various (international) regulatory aspects.
Lead partner: Jan Willem Hoevers
Trading started on Friday, 20 November 2015. The price per offered depository receipt was EUR 17.75, corresponding to an ABN AMRO equity value of approximately EUR 16.7 billion. ABN AMRO’s return to the stock market comes seven years after the bank was nationalised at the height of the financial crisis.
De Brauw offered board room advice, amongst other things, and coordinated the drafting of the 730-page prospectus as well as advised on corporate governance and various (international) regulatory aspects.
Lead partner: Jan Willem Hoevers