29 August 2013

Sinochem to acquire Brazilian oil fields from Petrobras

De Brauw has assisted Sinochem in the acquisition of oil fields from Petrobras.

Sinochem is to acquire a 35% stake in Block BC-10, an oil field located off the coast of Brazil. The exploitation of BC-10 is a joint venture with operator Royal Dutch Shell (50% participating interest) and ONGC (15% participating interest).

The completion of the transaction is subject to certain customary conditions precedent, including the approvals of Chinese and Brazilian governmental authorities. De Brauw acted as Dutch counsel to Sinochem on this transaction.

Geert Potjewijd (lead partner), Gaby Smeenk, Diederik Maessen, Sjoerd van Elferen, Henk van Ravenhorst, and Caroline Steinmetz.