26 March 2020
Fiscal Responses to COVID-19
As countries ramp up social distancing measures to combat coronavirus COVID-19 the G7 leaders have called on their central banks and finance ministers to take action to support economic and financial stability. Cutting interest rates, introducing tax breaks or delaying tax collection are some of the measures available to help the economy.
This briefing profiles some of the fiscal measures that have been announced or implemented in Germany, Greece, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK in light of the economic consequences of coronavirus COVID-19. View briefing (PDF)
The memo was prepared jointly by the "Best Friends" group, consisting of the leading European law firms: BonelliErede, Bredin Prat, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Hengeler Mueller, Slaughter and May, and Uría Menéndez.
Please see the European Tax Blog to stay up to date with the latest tax issues.