18 September 2014

Introduction of new documents Connect | Contract

Last year we launched De Brauw Connect | Contract, a service for generating automated contracts and other legal documents. Legal documents are easily drafted by ticking options in an online questionnaire.
When we launched this service, we started out with a few documents and we announced that we would continue to add to the document library. You will find the following documents in the library: Agency Agreement, Distribution Agreement, Trademark Licence Agreement, Confidentiality Letter for Private M&A Transactions, and the Resolutions of the management board and general meeting. The following documents were recently added:
  • Employment Agreement
  • Letter of Intent acquisition of shares or business
  • Transfer of Contract
  • Pre-contractual arrangement/NDA purchasing
The use of these standard documents is offered at no charge. If you need a customised document library with your own standard documents, we would gladly assist you. Our team can organise this service together with you and can automate your own standard documents for you. We do charge for this service. To access or ask questions about Connect | Contract please contact Esther Albers, Head of Legal Support Services.