Our expertise in your hands

Our clients have access to extensive practical tools and resources to ensure compliance, facilitate legal process and navigate all material developments in corporate practice:
Dawn Raid App
A dawn raid by the European Commission, the ACM, DNB , the AFM, the CPB or the Public Prosecution Service, is by nature, unpredictable and decisions made in the moment can have significant implications.

Our dawn raid app provides practical information on what to do, (and what not to do), during and after a dawn raid.
You can download the app in iOS here and in the Android version here in the European App Store, or you can visit the UK App Store or the US App Store.
“Clients want to prepare as well as possible for a dawn raid. A lot can be at stake, and during those hectic moments, many things can go wrong. This App is an answer to our clients’ needs to have a clear overview to the process of a dawn raid.”
If you are in need of a template or in search of more information about accessing our know-how or tools in general, please contact us at legalknowhow@debrauw.com or your regular De Brauw contact.