1 March 2011
Chongqing Polycomp (CPIC) acquires Brazilian glass fibre producer OCV Capivari Fibras de Vidro
De Brauw acted as Dutch counsel to Chinese state company Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation on the acquisition of Brazilian glass fibre producer Capivari Fibras de Vidro from US company Owens Corning.
The transaction, the first of its nature by a Chinese company, enables CPIC to enter the Brazilian market. Uría Menéndez acted as lead counsel to Chongqing Polycomp on this deal.
Team: Geert Potjewijd, Rogier van Bijnen, Rachel Li, Gang Zhai, Kicky Reef and Okke Suurenbroek
The transaction, the first of its nature by a Chinese company, enables CPIC to enter the Brazilian market. Uría Menéndez acted as lead counsel to Chongqing Polycomp on this deal.
Team: Geert Potjewijd, Rogier van Bijnen, Rachel Li, Gang Zhai, Kicky Reef and Okke Suurenbroek