17 April 2014

De Brauw advises D.E MASTER BLENDERS 1753 in antitrust case against Nestlé

De Brauw acts as lead counsel to D.E MASTER BLENDERS 1753 in the antitrust case against Nestlé before the French Competition Authority (FCA).

In 2010, D.E MASTER BLENDERS 1753 filed a complaint against Nestlé, alleging that it abuses its dominant position by tying the sales of Nespresso capsules to the sales of Nespresso machines and, consequently, excluding competitors. The FCA has concluded that the practices implemented by Nestlé indeed raise competition law concerns. Therefore, it has now initiated a commitments procedure against Nestlé to remedy the competition law concerns. This matter is receiving a lot of attention in the press, particularly in France​.
The De Brauw team cooperated closely with a team of Gide Loyrette Nouel in Paris.​
Gertjan Kuipers and Bart de Rijke.