De Brauw advises Rabobank on EUR 1 billion tender offer for Rabobank Certificates

De Brauw advises Rabobank on EUR 1 billion tender offer for Rabobank Certificates
De Brauw has acted as lead counsel to Rabobank on a tender offer to repurchase Rabobank Certificates.
To accommodate eligible holders of Rabobank Certificates in assessing the relative value of the offer price, the offer price was determined in accordance with the 'clean' trading mode of the Rabobank Certificates on Euronext Amsterdam, i.e., as the sum of a 'clean' purchase price expressed as a percentage of the nominal amount of each Rabobank Certificate and an amount attributable to potential future distributions in accordance with customary practice on Euronext Amsterdam. Eligible holders are offered a 'clean' offer price equal to 108.50%, representing a premium of approximately 5.2% to the last traded price reported on Euronext Amsterdam.
As trusted lead legal adviser to Rabobank, De Brauw was involved in the strategic and legal aspects of the tender offer and the drafting of documentation including the offer memorandum.