De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek has assisted KPN in obtaining regulatory approval from the Dutch Competition Authority to acquire an additional 9% stake in Reggefiber from joint-venture partner Reggeborgh, bringing its total ownership to 60%.
The approval is what is known as a phase-two approval. A phase-two approval is required if in its first phase investigation, ACM decides that there is reason to assume that the concentration could appreciably impede effective competition in the Dutch market or in a part of it, particularly as a result of the creation of or the strengthening of a dominant economic position. After further research by ACM in the second phase, ACM decided to give unconditional approval to the acquisition by KPN.
Jolling de Pree, Bart de Rijke, Claire van der Hoeven and Bas van de Scheur
The approval is what is known as a phase-two approval. A phase-two approval is required if in its first phase investigation, ACM decides that there is reason to assume that the concentration could appreciably impede effective competition in the Dutch market or in a part of it, particularly as a result of the creation of or the strengthening of a dominant economic position. After further research by ACM in the second phase, ACM decided to give unconditional approval to the acquisition by KPN.
Jolling de Pree, Bart de Rijke, Claire van der Hoeven and Bas van de Scheur