De Brauw acted als legal adviser to Koninklijke Grolsch N.V. in the EUR 816 million take-over by SABMiller plc. The
transaction was the first recommended public offer under the new Decree on Public Offers (Besluit openbare biedingen). Another novelty included the agreed establishment of an EUR 8 million personnel fund, together with a number of other non-financial covenants underscoring the company's dedication to both its shareholders and its other stakeholders.
Corporate: Paul Cronheim, Sjoerd Eisma, Anja Mutsaers
transaction was the first recommended public offer under the new Decree on Public Offers (Besluit openbare biedingen). Another novelty included the agreed establishment of an EUR 8 million personnel fund, together with a number of other non-financial covenants underscoring the company's dedication to both its shareholders and its other stakeholders.
Corporate: Paul Cronheim, Sjoerd Eisma, Anja Mutsaers