10 June 2015

Marnix Leijten appointed Vice President ICC International Court of Arbitration

Marnix Leijten has been appointed Vice President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration in Paris, as of 1 July 2015.
Together with the President, the Vice Presidents lead the Court's efforts to secure the efficient, expeditious and legally sound conduct of ICC arbitration proceedings. At any given time about 1500 ICC arbitrations are pending worldwide, with parties from more than 140 countries. It is the Court's function to ensure the outcome of these proceedings is enforceable at law in any relevant country. As a Vice President, Marnix will chair Court sessions in Paris ‎in the President's absence, and will spend considerable time not only on the specific scrutiny of individual arbitrations, but also on the further development of the Court's policies and supporting the President in his duties. Marnix is the first Dutch Vice President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, the world's leading body for the resolution of international disputes by arbitration. He heads De Brauw's international arbitration practice, home to the largest group of arbitration lawyers in the Netherlands and with a global arbitration practice.